The workshop was held near Quorn in the Flinders Ranges, in August 2016 and was followed by identification sessions and expert workshops at the University of Adelaide. More information can be found at http://bryology.ourplants.org/workshop-details/. The workshop was organised by Graham Bell, Christine Cargill and Pina Milne. Successive seasons of good rainfall meant that there was a prolific showing of liverworts and mosses, and the gathering of experts at the workshop meant provided an excellent venue for learning…even for molecular biology types. The workshop runs biennially, and is highly recommended.
I've attached a series of photograph galleries from the various diverse collection sites to give some idea of the variety of small-scale life forms that abounded at:
(i) Alligator Gorge
(ii) Bernie's Block
(iii) Melrose Reserve
(iv) Port Augusta Flats (salt flats at the top of Spencer's Gulf)
(v) Quorn Reserve
(vi) Spring Gully Reserve (near Clare)
(v) Woolshed Flat (stop-off point for the Pitchi-Richi railroad)

Below is a sampling of some of the liverwort diversity found…