Biology will never be the same. The remarkable scientific success of biology in describing, explaining, and manipulating natural systems is so well recognized as to be a cliche—but the engineering application of that scientific knowledge is just beginning. In the same way that electrical engineering grew from physics to become a separate discipline in the early part of the last century, we see the growth of a new engineering discipline: one oriented to the intentional design, modeling, construction, debugging, and testing of artificial living systems.
Tom Knight in "Engineering novel life" Mol. Sys. Biol. doi:10.1038/msb4100028 (2005)
A history of Synthetic Biology and green plant engineering through scientific reports
2022: UKRI Strategy 2022-2027
2021: AgTech ecosystems report
2019: RAE Engineering Biology
2019: EPSRC Delivery Plan
2019: BBSRC Delivery Plan
2019: UKRI Infrastructure Roadmap. Progress Report
2019: UKRI Infrastructure Road map. Initial analysis of landscape.
2018: Growing the Bioeconomy. UK Government
2018: Building the UKRI Strategy. UKRI .
2018: Confident Capital: backing UK biotech. BIA.
2019: Growing the Future. Royal Society of Biology and UK Plant Sciences Federation.
2018: BBSRC-EPSRC OpenPlant Handbook. OpenPlant
2018: Synthetic Biology Annual Investment Report Synbiobeta.
2018: Emerging Risks Report. Lloyd's & Imperial College
2018: Building the Business of Biodesign. Cambridge Consultants
2018: Nagoya workshop report
2018: Towards an open material transfer agreement. OpenPlant, BBF
2018: Blocking the Chain. ETC.
2018: Genetically Engineered Clothes. ETC
2018: Forcing the Farm. ETC
2018: Genomics for Agriculture & Agri-Food. Ontario Genomics
2018: The Present and Future State of Synthetic Biology in Canada. Institute on Governance
2018: Synthetic Biology in Australia: An outlook to 2030. ACOLA
2018: Biodefense in the age of Synthetic Biology. NAS
2017: FAO Future of Food and Agriculture: Trends & challenges
2017: Agrifood Atlas. Heinrich Boll Stiftung & FOE
2017: Decision adopted by the conference of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. CBD Synthetic biology
2017: Synthetic Biology - Does industry get it? Royal Society
2017: Global Open Science Hardware map. GOSH
2017: Capacity Building for the Bioeconomy in Africa. OpenPlant, EI Foundry
2017: Building our Industrial Strategy. UK Government
2017: Mega-Mergers. African Centre for Biodiversity
2017: Microalgae Biofuels: Myths and Risks. BioFuelWatch.
2016: Developing standards to support the synthetic biology value chain. Rand Europe and BSI
2016: OECD Science Technology and Innovation Outlook. OECD
2016: Precision Agriculture and the Future of Farming in Europe. European Parliament
2016: Trends in synthetic biology and gain of function and regulatory implications. Sackler Forum, Royal Society & National Academy of Sciences
2016: Biodesign for the Bioeconomy: UK Synthetic Biology Strategic Plan. Synthetic Biology Leadership Council
2016: Genetically engineered crops: experiences and prospects. US National Academy of Sciences
2016: GM Plants: questions and answers. Royal Society
2016: Practical laboratory skills for molecular biologists. BIS National Measurement System
2016: Genome Editing. Nuffield Council on Bioethics
2016: National Strategy for Modernizing the Regulatory System for Biotechnology Products. NSTC Biotech Working Group

2016: Think Synthetic Biology. Ontario Genomics.
2016: Outsmarting Nature: Heinrich Boll Stiftung & ETC
2015: Global assessment of biological engineering and manufacturing. World Technology Evaluation Centre
2015: Synthetic Biology - the next phase of biotechnology and genetic engineering. German Office of Technology Assessment
2015: The DNA of the US regulatory system. Wilson Center
2015: US Trends in Synthetic Biology research funding. Wilson Center.
2015: Industrialisation of Biology: a roadmap to accelerate the advanced manufacturing of chemicals. US National Academies
2014: Synthetic Biology and Biosecurity. DSSHM & Kings College, London
2014: Timeline for Synthetic Biology. Research Councils UK
2014: Next steps for European Synthetic Biology. ERA SynBio
2014: Shaping our food. Misra Biotech
2014: Creating a research agenda for the ecological implications of Synthetic Biology. Wilson Center
2014: Eight Great Technologies: Life Sciences, Genomics and Synthetic Biology. UK Intellectual Property Office
2014: Emerging technologies and industries strategy. Innovate UK
2014: Emerging policy issues in Synthetic Biology. OECD
2014: Synthetic Biology: opportunities for Scotland. Scottish Science Advisory Council
2014: Ethics debates on Synthetic Biology in the three regions. European Commission GEST
2013: DOE Report to Congress: Synthetic Biology. US DOE
2013: Seven myths and realities about Do-It-Yourself Biology. Wilson Center
2013: How will Synthetic Biology and conservation shape the future of nature? Wildlife Conservation Society
2013: The Nagoya protocol and synthetic biology research: a look at the potential impacts. Wilson Center
2012: A Synthetic Biology roadmap for the UK. Technology Strategy Board
2012: Principles for the oversight of Synthetic Biology. FOE, CTA & ETC
2012: US National bioeconomy blueprint. The White House
2011: E. chromi outreach brochure. Daisy Ginsberg & James King
2010: Europeans and biotechnology in 2010: winds of change? European Commission
2010: A decade of EU-funded GMO research. European Commission
2010: New Directions: the ethics of Synthetic Biology and emerging technologies. US Presidential Commission
2010: Realising European potential in Synthetic Biology: scientific opportunities and good governance. European Academies
2010: Synthetic Biology Dialogue. BBSRC
2010: Symposium Report: Opportunities and challenges in the emerging field of Synthetic Biology. OECD & Royal Society
2010: Addressing biosecurity concerns related to Synthetic Biology. US NSABB
2010: Synthetic Biology: Building on nature's inspiration. US National Academies
2010: Trends in Synthetic Biology research funding in the United States and Europe. Wilson Center
2009: Synthetic Biology: scope, applications and implications. Royal Academy of Engineeering
2009: Synthetic Biology: public dialogue on synthetic biology. Royal Academy of Engineeering
2009: Synthetic Biology influencing development. Lloyds
2009: A new biology for the 21st century. US National Academies
2008: Synthetic Biology: Social and ethical challenges. BBSRC
2008: Grand Challenges for Engineering. US National Academy of Engineering
2008: Engineering Life: the emerging field of Synthetic Biology. Royal Society of Chemistry & Institute of Physics
2008: Parliamentary Postnote 298 on Synthetic Biology. UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology
2008: Synthetic Biology: risks and opportunities of an emerging field. International Risk Governance Council
2007: Extreme Genetic Engineering: an introduction to Synthetic Biology. ETC Group
2006: Constructing Life: Early reflections on the emerging field of Synthetic Biology. Rathenau Institute
2006: Analysis of Synthetic Biology research in Europe and North America. European Commission
2005: DOE Genomics:GTL Roadmap. US Department of Energy
2005: Synthetic Biology: applying engineering to biology. NEST Expert Group, European Commission
2003: Synthetic Biology Study. DARPA sponsored study group
2002: Genetically modified plants for food use and human health. Royal Society
1996: ISAT Summer Study: Cellular Computing. DARPA sponsored study group