Synthetic Biology at the EU 2WAYS Science Festival


Tim Rudge, Etienne Farcot and Jim Haseloff presenting an interactive exhibit for Hands-on Synthetic Biology at the EU 2WAYS final event at the Natural History Museum in Brussels, 30 Nov to 1 Dec 2010.


EUSCEA 2WAYS Science Festival
The EUSCEA 2WAYS Science Festival took place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - the Museum - Tuesday 30 November and Wednesday 1 December. The Festival included presentations of the 17 European projects, listed to the right. Find out more by following the links from each icon! Pictures taken by the official photographer can be found following these links:
Day 1 - 29 November: The Museum, opening ceremony
Day 2 - 30 November: Presentations, Parliament, Expert hearings, Dinner
Day 3 - 1 December: Press conference, Plenary session, Final Ceremony